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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tricks for Eating Out on a Weight Loss Diet
Author: Kevin Cohen
Being on a weight loss diet does not have to mean that you stop eating out. Okay, so restaurants usually do pile up oversized portions on your plate, but that does not necessarily mean eating out will ruin your weight loss diet plan. You just need to keep a few things in mind to make sure that your diet plan does not go off the rails when eating out.
ØOrder the main dish from the appetizer menu: Not only are dishes in the appetizer menu more reasonably portioned, they also save you money and a lot of calories. If you are feeling unsatisfied with the starter, consider ordering a side salad. The fiber rich vegetables will fill you up without spiking up the calorie count. Soups are another great option, as they are quite filling. However, steer clear of the creamy variety of food, as they really do pack in a lot of calories.
ØBeware of these high fat buzzwords: Stay away from the extra butter, cream sauce, au gratin, oil, breaded, Alfredo, batter dipped, smothered or ‘with gravy’ dishes when eating out. The extra calories are not worth it unless you have been snacking on salad greens for several days.
ØBeat the meat: Even if you find that bucket of fried chicken too tempting, it is better that you opt for the steamed, roasted, boiled, broiled, baked or grilled variety. Ask for skinless chicken if available or remove the skin yourself. If however, you want to treat yourself to fried meat, opt for white meat because its calorific content is lower than that of red meat. If you are bored with just eating chicken, you might treat yourself to beef sometimes, but make sure you choose the leaner cuts like the flank or loin.
ØBanish buffets: Portion control may turn out to be next to impossible for even the die hard dieter at an ‘eat all you want’ buffet. The huge variety of food at the buffet can actually overwhelm you with the choices and lead to overeating. Studies have shown that when more choices are available, people tend to overeat without even realizing it.Keep these tips in mind when dining out and you won’t have to jeopardize your weight loss diet plan. Want to look up more tips on healthy living? Visit GNGH has been helping people achieve their weight loss goals and live a healthier life for more than 10 years.
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Increase Page Rank via Article Submission Packages
Author: Lydia Molly
The advent of the Internet has changed the face of business forever, opening up new opportunities for sales and exciting entrepreneurial ventures. However, competition is fierce and business owners marketing on the Internet need the edge that article submission can provide in order to beat out the competition, boost sales and bolster client rosters.
How it Works
Article submissions offer an extremely easy means of driving traffic to your website. Major search engines increase your search engine results ranking based on how many high quality inbound editorial links you accrue, amongst other factors. When you subscribe to an article submission service, you will amass a large number of these important links in a short period, thereby boosting your major search engine page ranking.
Research shows that web browsers generally only link to those sites listed in the first three pages of major search engine results. If you can get your business into those first three pages, you will likely receive as much traffic on your business or cause website as you can possibly handle. Article submission services position you as a front runner for a spot on those highly contested first three pages, increasing your profitability and your overall bottom line.
The article submission packages available at allow you to create numerous inbound links to your website with no effort on your part. Focus your energies on creating a stellar website and terrific products and let do the rest.
You do not need to pay a fortune for incoming one-way links to your website. Online article submission packages can be expensive if you do not do business with the right company. iSellpr is committed to providing reliable life-time links at affordable prices.
A live operator will take your order, ensuring that you are provided with stellar customer service and a place to answer any SEO related questions you may have. You will also be provided with a direct Internet link to each of your articles submission locations, so that you have concrete evidence that a high quality editorial link has truly been created for your website.
This article submission service works hard to place your article submissions on highly relevant sites that cater to your target demographic, in order to give you the best Return on Investment (ROI) possible. In addition, your link is guaranteed to last for the entire lifetime of your website, so you never need to worry about your editorial link being lost in cyberspace.
Organic and Non-Black Hat
Black hat Internet links are those that web crawlers deem SPAM, which will send your website to the bottom of search engine rankings if it doesn't get your website completely banned. Our online article submission service makes sure to avoid black hat practices by generating high editorial content for each new article submission and avoiding spamming practices such as key word over-saturation.
High quality content and error-free links ensure that your organic - unpaid - search engine links will make your business or cause website highly visible to the general public at prices that you can afford. An article submission service does the hard work for you, boosting your search engine rankings while you focus on other aspects of running your successful business.
We offer article submission, articles submission, article submissions, article submission services, article submission service, and online article submission service.
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Role of Colours in Web Designing
Role of Colours in Web Designing
Author:Ajay Kumar
When it comes to web designing, a web designer has to pay equal attention to each and every aspect of it. For a website to look visually appealing and user friendly, it is important to design it in a manner which renders this possible. Colors are the important feature of a web design. A good and experienced web designer can use them in the best way to make a design appeal to the senses of visitors. Different colors evoke different feelings and this also true for web designing. Most of the times, people ignore this crucial aspect of the web design. However, this can be used to the full advantage to get an attractive web design. Discussed below are the roles that colour play in web designing.
The colour red symbolises passion, aggression, power and stimulates energy. Generally people using red are supposed to be outgoing, impulsive, determined and of uncomplicated nature. This color can be used in the web design to convey a strong and confident statement about your website and its theme. It will convey to the visitors your determined approach and your confident personality.
Green stands for freshness, calmness, nature and health. It symbolises hope and newness. It is said to be preferred by people who are sincere, gentle and patient. By using green the web design, you can make a statement of integrity and reliability about your website.
The colour orange symbolises enthusiasm and honesty. It is the colour of happiness, joy and friendship. At the same time, it stands for playfulness and curiousity. Those who prefer orange are generally good natured and loving. By incorporating this colour in the web design, you can make the design look attractive and user friendly to the visitors.
Blue stands for peace, stability, confidence and evokes composure and trust. It is also the representative of the power of today\'s modern technologies. At the same time it signifies the depth of the ocean. People preferring this colour are usually compassionate, caring and faithful. You can use this color to show the strength of your website and the in-depth experience you possess in your niche domain.
Black signifies power, eternity and depth. It also symbolises sophistication and aristocracy. People preferring black are usually artistic and sensitive. This colour can be used to convey the determination and power of your website theme.
White stands for purity, simplicity, peace and spirituality. It signifies organised and logical approach. Thus using this will lend these two features to your web design. White is mostly preferred for business website design.
Colors are the important feature of a web design. A good and experienced web designer can use them in the best way to make a design appeal to the senses of visitors. Different colors evoke different feelings and this also true for web designing. Most of the times, people ignore this crucial aspect of the web design. However, this can be used to the full advantage to get an attractive web design. Discussed below are the roles that colour play in web designing. It is important to select colours properly for your corporate web design. Make it commensurate with the theme of your site to get the good results.
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About the AuthorPixelCrayons, a business web design & development company offers Ecommerce web development and provides shopping cart solutions with integrated shopping cart software.
What's Your Purpose For Blogging???
What's Your Purpose For Blogging???
Author:Michael Lyon
Ok, so you\'ve now created your blog, you have your new template, time to add some content.
Before you think about adding the content, ie; your posting (something you\'ve written), I need you to understand a few things, your reading this on Article base or my blog However its my original content...
First of all let\'s examine
- The reason for your blog.
- Your expectations.
- Your audience.
Let\'s assume just for one minute that\'s the reason why you\'re here is not just to learn how to set up a blog but to earn a six figure income or even just a few bucks.
What you need to FULLY understand is your new blog is like a tiny Island in the middle of an enormous ocean
.An Island that no one except you have ever heard of.
In order to get people to visit your tiny Island you need to provide them with first of all the knowledge that it even exists and secondly how to get there.
This is the WHY I ask the reason for your blog.
By now you have probably been pulled into people\'s adverts, (squeeze pages) high pressure selling techniques, and paid money to sign up to join all kind of get rich schemes, they offer 100\'s of dollars worth of Free aids (normally Free e-books) memberships to Guru sites, seminars and loads more.
Start making money in 10 minutes from now….We\'d all like to be like them….if only it was that simple, no one would work, everyone would stay at home earning a six figure income.
The people selling these systems are part of huge affiliate marketing groups, you can join for small enough money (at the bottom of their ladder).
They give you all the tools, 100\'s of tools, they even set up the squeeze pages, the affiliate links the whole lot.
I recently bought a package, (I checked it out for scam probability first), Amazing reports, came up over 2.5million hits in Google search, best thing since sliced bread, the re-invention of the wheel in Internet terms, Guaranteed to make 1000\'s.
There were so many tools, (e-books) it took me 3 solid days to browse them, not read and take in the information fully.
The package was complete, however still full of further squeeze page ad\'s trying to part me with more cash. Some even offering a 60 day free trial and only after the trial finished I\'d pay, bull, after the 60 days I\'d pay 57 dollars a month, but if I took advantage of this one time offer TODAY I\'d pay only 27dollars a month, free trial with a catch, eh.
Do YOU want to be like them?
Regarding earnings I\'m sure you do….. so do I…..
Let\'s get to the real point……
They can sell you the package, they can set you up with all the tools, they can give you all the advice you need, but are they going to create the traffic to your ISLAND?
Simply NO NO and NO…..
I doesn\'t matter what package or get rich quick scheme or money earner you subscribe to, YOU have to develop the traffic.
These people even tell you that you don\'t need a site or a blog, True, there are many ways you can generate traffic to the squeeze page, they provide with your affiliate link but it all takes time and work, a lot of time and work.
Unless you have an established blog or site getting tons of hits every day it will take you a lot of time and work.
If you were to do just a couple of hours a day like they suggest in their squeeze ad\'s you\'d be 150 years old by the time you see a return.
I have a good friend of mine he was getting over 7000 hits a day on his site and over 1500 followers, he decided to affiliate, drop in a few squeeze pages, its surprising how quick his followers and hits dropped off. It took a long time to re-gain the confidence of his group.
I\'m sure all the Guru\'s who read this, if they even bother, very unlikely, would disagree, but I\'d challenge them to start from fresh Today and get traffic to their Island as quick as they expect you to do it.
To start with try and find a URL or domain name that\'s still available using' make money' in the title.
Yes you can use key words, that helps.
Don\'t get me wrong, It can be done, It is being done, but it\'s not as easy as these people make it out to be.
I hope I haven\'t burst your bubble….. there are ways to get people to visit your Island, and I\'m going to try and show you the more simple ways but it still involves work.
You don\'t think this article wrote itself, or do you?
Regarding your expectations, even if you get people to your Island you will need to look after them, after all it was you that invited them, now you need to feed them give them something to drink, maybe then they will want to come back, especially if it\'s a nice Island with plenty to do and see, people don\'t want to come to your Island for nothing. So if they find nothing they surely won\'t stay or it\'s unlikely they will come back.
Well that\'s it for today, examine your motives, if it\'s to make a six figure income then maybe I can\'t help you, but if you just genuinely want to Blog and maybe gain a few Bucks to help you along the way then maybe you will come back for the next chapter.
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About the AuthorHi my name is Mike, My primary objective is to try to persuade people to look after their most valuable asset, THEIR HEALTH. Hence my passion is my first blog my second objective is to help people create blogs using understandable simple terms.
The Top 25 Facebook Games of 2010
The Top 25 Facebook Games of 2010
Author:Kashish Gk
Facebook games showed a lot of popularity over the last year. As Facebook adds more games to the menu and great entertainment you might wonder what games are the best and most fun to play. This paper provides reviews of games for each of the 25 best games of 2010 Facebook separate.
To begin the game reviews Facebook, let\'s start with a look at the number one game on Facebook called Farmville. Farmville, which is made by Zynga currently has about 73.8 million users a month and is growing steadily upward. Farmville is a game where you can become a farmer. Farmville lets you interact with your friends and neighbors still with them. Basically, you\'re going to do everything that a farmer Farmville during playback. Planting, cultivation, harvesting and cultivation of a farm successfully. Just make sure that playing this game you harvest your plants at this time. Different plants have different harvest times, and if harvest time the plants will die. The care of the farm, you get more points and level up.
Birthday cards take the place of the most popular game of 2010. birthday cards made by RockYou and has about 32 million users a month. When using the set of birthday cards you can customize and send cards for free, use a birthday calendar, a list of personal memories and personal anniversaries. The game also allows you to start the zoo own birthday too. It is popular for those who want to remember friends\' birthdays and send cards on Facebook.
The third most popular game on Facebook Café du Monde, which is made by Zynga. The coffee has about 31 million active users a month. World Café is a fun game to play, if you ever dreamed of owning his own restaurant. When the game you can cook, bake and cook what you want when you play Café du Monde. During playback of Café du Monde is the chef and restaurant owner, so hire servers. By hiring a server at Cafe du Monde, you can select one of your Facebook friends. Make sure you always have plenty of food ready for your guests.
The fourth most popular game on Facebook is happy Aquarium which is carried by CrowdStar. Happy aquarium has about 27 million active users a month. During playback of Aquarius happy in Facebook, you can create your own aquarium. This can be done by purchasing fish and other creatures. Make sure you always feed the fish in the aquarium happy reading, because the fish may die as in real life. It\'s a fun game for fans of desire and dream of having an aquarium in your home. The downside of this game is that you can not feed your fish friends, if you die.
The fifth most popular game on Facebook is FishVille is done by Zynga. FishVille is about 24 million active users a month. FishVille is very similar to the Aquarium happy where you set your own aquarium and fish care. When you have finished raising their fish, you can sell the coins and points. Aquarium happy that you keep your tank or poor creatures die.
The sixth most popular game on Facebook\'s Mafia Wars by Zynga is done. Mafia Wars is about 24 million active users a month. The goal of the game Mafia Wars is to grow your mafia family. This can be done by inviting Facebook friends to join you in Mafia Wars. Another objective is to increase the wealth of their group and provide their friends with guns. What do you say it\'s bigger and stronger the mafia is the group that comes to mind.
The seventh most popular game on Facebook is the Texas Hold\'em Poker, which is also made by Zynga. Texas Hold\'em Poker on Facebook has about 22 million active users a month. When playing Texas Hold\'em Poker on Facebook is more or less the same as playing the game in life. Before familiar with the rules on how to play Texas Hold\'em. Texas Hold\'em Poker on Facebook you can play with friends.
The eighth most popular game on Facebook is Pet Society, which is made by Playfish, Pet Society has about 21 million active users a month. Pet Society on Facebook is very nice game for animal lovers. While playing Pet Society, you can decorate your house and go to the house of his friends with gifts. It\'s a very cute and funny game.
The ninth most popular game on Facebook is Petville is done by Zynga. Petville has about 17 million active users per month. This game is another love for adorable. When this game will take care of your pet. When you become a player Petville be prompted to create your own pet. The options are endless and the end result is an adorable virtual pet. The goal is to keep your pet clean and well fed, walked and loved. This will help create an animal Petville happy for you. This game is very similar to Playfish Pet Society and other animal games.
The tenth most popular game on Facebook is YoVille is by Zynga. YoVille has about 17 million active users per month. When playing YoVille to live a virtual life. This game is very similar to the wildly popular Sims game for personal computers. While playing YoVille to build a virtual life. During playback, you can work, socialize, decorate your house or anything else you desire. It\'s a fun game for fans of the escape of a virtual world.
The eleventh most popular game on Facebook is Town House, which is done by SlashKey. City firm has about 16 million active users a month. Close the city is very similar to the game Farmville Facebook. When this game will take care of their own farm. To advance to higher levels, which are planted and harvested, invite friends to participate and hire workers to help on the farm. It\'s a fun game for those who want to be farmers, but living in the city.
Twelfth most popular game on Facebook is the restaurant in a city that is by Playfish. Restaurant in town has about 15 million active users a month. City Café is very similar to the city. During playback of the city restaurant you own a restaurant, to create the menu and hire workers. It\'s a fun game if you\'re interested in how a restaurant. This is a social game and you can interact with your Facebook friends.
Thirteenth most popular game on Facebook is MindJolt Games is made by MindJolt. MindJolt games are about 14 million active users a month. When playing MindJolt can play over 500 games. The games are arcade, puzzle, strategy, and more. MindJolt is fun for those who want a little variety of games.
Fourteenth most popular game on Facebook is glad to be done CrowdStar Pet. Happy Pets has about 12 million monthly active users on Facebook. When animals play I\'m glad your kitten develop into an adult. The aim is to care for cats as you can. How happy can cats take care of the animals happy? If you are overwhelmed with too many pets to take care not to fall into the temptation to sell their cats. not as good animals who sell their kittens.
Fifteenth most popular game on Facebook is that RCK is by Zynga. RCK has about 11 million monthly active users on Facebook. Facebook is a fun game where you can create your own rock band. Ask your Facebook friends to join and help create a group of switches. This is a fun game for any music lover.
Sixteenth most popular game on Facebook is World Zoo is by RockYou. The zoo has about 10 million active users a month. When you play World Zoo on Facebook that will take care of zoo animals and zoo world cash. When you win the World Zoo money can buy new animals in the zoo and place in the zoo. It is a fun way to pass the time, if you like zoo animals.
Seventh most popular game on Facebook is Bejeweled Blitz is made by PopCap Games. Blitz Bejeweled has about 10 million active users a month. Bejeweled Blitz is an easy to master puzzle game. The curious thing about this game is that you can compete with your friends from Facebook. Many people spend many hours a day there playing Bejeweled Blitz.
ninth most popular game on Facebook is the world\'s fish made of Tall Tree Games. Fish World has about 9,000,000 active users per month. World Fish is very similar to Happy Aquarium. During the breeding fish in the world to care for their own virtual fish. Be sure to feed and care for them to stay alive. Sell your fish world fish are a common part of the game.
XX most popular game on Facebook is Pillow Fight, which is made by Shikha. Pillow Fight has about 8 million active users a month. Pillow Fight is a fun game if you like hitting your friend with pillows. The pillows are made of different materials and their friends can accept being beaten by pillows choose not to. The pillow you choose to use will be posted on the Facebook page to your friends.
The most popular game on Facebook twentieth (Lil) farm life that is made by Playdom. (Lil) Farm Life has about 6 million active users a month. This is another game that is very similar to Farmville and City Farm. When this game lets you create your own farm with crops, animals and buildings. This is another fun game for those who tire of Farmville and City Farm.
The first twenty most popular game on Facebook is the Sorority life is made by Playdom. Sorority Life has about 6 million active users a month. By playing this game, you can create your own guild. When you register for sorority life, you can invite friends to join your guild. Another feature is that you can dress up and customize to your liking. It\'s a fun game for those who miss their college fraternity lifestyle.
The twenty-second most popular game on Facebook is Paradise Island is done by Meteor Games. Paradise Island is about 6 million active users a month. It\'s a fun game where you create your own island paradise. When creating your island, you can grow plants, animals, or add whatever you want on your island. During playback of an island paradise, you can stop and visit friends. This is similar in Farmville, but for those who love life on the island.
The twenty-third most popular game on Facebook is the country life, which is made by Country Life. life in the country has about 5 million active users per month. This game is another that looks great in Farmville. When this game you take care of crops, the only difference in Farmville, is that you can make your own bread to more profit.
The twenty-fourth most popular game on Facebook Field history is made by Playfish. Country history about 5,000,000 monthly active users. This is another Facebook game farm theme. This game is ideal for lovers of the Farm / Farmville City and want to play something different.
The twenty-fifth most popular game on Facebook is happy Island is done by CrowdStar. Happy Island is approximately 5,000,000 monthly active users. By playing this game, you can create your own island. Attractions to add to most of their island win island. This is similar to Paradise Island, but with more buying and selling in question.
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Why Tasers Are So Effective?
Why Tasers Are So Effective?
Author:Jack Krohn
Is it just my imagination or are tasers considered the sexiest of all self defense products? And by that I mean when police officers use pepper spray it\'s no big deal. If he uses a stun gun he may get a little notoriety. But when a police officer uses a taser it makes newspapers, it makes radio and makes television news. All because they are sexy.
There still a lot of mystique around tasers. They make good news stories
Just the other day here in Colorado Springs police were chasing down a suspect. He was armed and considered very dangerous but he had not shot at police officers. He would not obey their commands to stop. He was getting ready to climb a fence and probably get away when one of Colorado Springs finest shot him with a taser. He was rapidly put into custody and hauled off. No one was hurt and that\'s a good thing.
Every day around the country that scene is replicated thousands of times literally where law enforcement officers have used a nonlethal alternative to deadly force to subdue an assailant. Sometimes they can do it with a pepper spray, sometimes with a stun gun. Tasers have been proven to be nearly 100 percent effective in independent tests.
Is there a reason why so many law enforcement agencies carry tasers? In my humble opinion it is because they are so effective. The two electrified darts can travel up to 15 feet away. They allow you to disable an assailant from a safe distance. They use EMD technology that overrides the central nervous system from the darts but that taser gun doubles as a stun gun after the cartridge has been fired.
Because of my business, I notice these things. The next time you see a police officer see if he can find his taser on his utility belt. According to the latest statistics from Taser International more than 15,800 law enforcement agencies in over 40 countries carry and use the taser stun device.
Starting in January of 2011 there is new packaging for the taser C2, which is the most popular of all the tasers with more than 225,000 sold. It includes a new training cartridge, a target and a holster. It is called the C2 gold kit. Before the taser can be activated a background check needs to be accomplished. It used to cost the consumer $9.95 but now it is done free. So the gold kit represents excellent value in your self defense strategy.
Tasers are the most effective self defense product in the world. Aren\'t you getting one?
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About the Author
To learn more about these great products click the links below and Save 10 off your first purchase using discount code FTV at checkout.
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The Taser C2 is great too for self defense.
The best is the Multi Function Stunner
Pretender Stun Gun is a popular stun gun too.
How to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week - Quick and Healthy?
How to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week - Quick and Healthy?
Author:Jennifer Olsson
Are you, just like I was, misled by the eye-catching headlines about diets that says – Lose X pounds in little or no time? Of course you are, but why? Does it make any sense to believe that you could lose 10 pounds of fat in a week when you know that it can’t be done, at least not in a healthy way?
In this article I will show you that there actually are ways to lose weight fast but that it is not healthy for you. We could make a deal, well, it is you that have to make a deal with yourself. I will show you a method that guarantees a weight loss of at least 5 pounds per week in the healthiest way (not meaning that it is healthy but better than lots of other diets) and you will also learn why a superfast weight loss is dangerous to your health and the do’s and don’ts in fast weight loss.
First, as promised, the fast weight loss diet: This diet is composed to speed up your metabolism and it must be followed exactly. You may not use any spices except salt and peppers. It is important to remember to drink a lot of water, preferably water that is isotonic, meaning that it has added minerals that make it chemically look like you body fluids. To give this diet a boost be sure to do some cardio exercising to speed up the fat burning process.
Here is the menu:
Day 1:
Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, 1 toast (no butter), 2 teaspoons of peanut-butter
Lunch: 5 fl oz of tuna-fish, 1 toast.
Dinner: 3 oz beef (lean), 10 fl oz green beans, 10 fl oz beetroot, 1 small apple, 10 fl oz vanilla ice-cream
Day 2:
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 toast, ½ banana
Lunch: 10 fl oz cottage cheese, 5 salty crackers
Dinner: 2 hot dogs, 10 fl oz broccoli, 5 fl oz carrots, 5 fl oz banana, 5 fl oz vanilla ice-cream
Day 3:
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 toast
Lunch: 5 slices of cheddar-cheese, 5 salty crackers, 1 small apple
Dinner: 10 fl oz tuna-fish(conserved in water), 10 fl oz beetroot, 10 fl oz cauliflower, 5 fl oz honey melon, 5 fl oz vanilla ice-cream.
Like mentioned before it is very important to follow this diet like it is written above, if it is altered in any way it may not work for you.
Now you will learn why this diet is not healthy. First of all it makes you lose weight faster than the body can burn fat. Even if you drink a lot, the weight loss will consist of 20fat, 40water and 40lean muscle. So let’s say that you lost 5 pounds, according to the percentage above you lost 1 pound of fat, 2 pounds of water weight and 2 pounds of lean muscle. Did you want to lose that much muscle? Probably not. All of the diets making you lose more than 1-2 pounds per week will burn your muscle mass for energy.
Now, why is that? The body saves the fat stored in your body for a rainy day (starvation period) and if you are on a diet and don’t exercise and use your muscle to the fullest extent your body figures that the muscle is not necessary to save and it will start using it for energy.
The diet above could be executed once a week but it will not give you a long-lasting weight loss. To lose weight for good you have to compose your menu to have the right amount of protein, the right kinds of fat and some great carbs. Those three nutrients cover our total calorie intake. To be a successful dieter(meaning that the fat is burnt and not the muscle) you should reduce your calorie intake by 10-20and increase your calorie consumption, and how do you do that? Well, you have to start exercising and do some weight-lifting.
Now you know how to lose weight fast (I guarantee that the menu above works) so stop looking for any more fast weight loss diets. You also know why a fast weight loss is only a temporary weight loss and most important, you know that there are no shortcuts to get rid of those extra pounds. It is really a really easy equation: (Calorie intake) – (Calorie burnt) = weight loss/gain. Simple? Yes! But it is not that easy to achieve because it requires some fundamental change of attitude to foods, exercise and body.
If you decides to go on the diet explained, do so as a life-saver for now, but stop procrastinating and start to lose weight the right way after this panic-fast weight loss.
This article is merely an introduction, but if you are still reading you have taken the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.
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About the AuthorJennifer Olsen was a professional dieter until recently when she found a diet that that was foolproof. Today she is a fool for easy diets and easy exercising. Visit her site with exercises and diets.
Are You Ready For Change?