This story is about a boy named Jo. He’s a normal child and by that I mean no deformities and he’s not mentally challenge. He enjoyed most of his youth with friends and family members. Jo loved playing with his friends. Jo played mostly with his neighbors. Jo would sometimes go home crying because of the thunders sound. I don’t know why he’s so scared of the thunder but every time he hears it he runs home crying. He was enrolled in a private school when he was at the right age. He met new friends in school and he was a bright child. During breaks Jo played with his friends and run around school. He got lots of bruises in his head and his mom always gets mad at Jo for being careless. When he was in grade one Jo almost lost his life. He was hit by a moving truck and was dragged 5 feet under truck. Luckily Jo only had minor scratches with no broken bones. His mother was very thankful that Jo didn’t get hurt that badly. After Jo has recovered he did what always does best and that’s playing. I think he hit his head 3-5 times before he graduated in elementary and was scolded and tended by his mom always.
He graduated elementary school and entered high school. High school was a different experience for Jo. He met new friends here and met enemies. He enjoyed playing computer games and almost failed some of his subject because of this. He enjoyed other physical games like basketball and chess but he wasn’t that good in playing them. He loved the intramurals in school since he had such loud voice and loved being in competitions. Jo has a competitive heart and really hates losing even if he doesn’t show his emotions. Jo started to have crushes in school. He fell in loved with a beautiful girl when he was in first year, but his heart was crushed when his friend courted the girl and got the girl for his girlfriend. Jo was very mad at the guy and wanted to punch him but Jo kept his cool and continued school. Jo then went into fights and was sent to the principal’s office on some occasions because of brawling. On one of his fights Jo saw a girl and was amaze by her beauty. He sent letters to the girl and the girl liked it. Jo was a shy guy he couldn’t talk to the girl so he never really started courting her. At times Jo would stare at the girl in a distant and just look at her when the girl looks back he acts like he’s just looking around. Luckily with all the bumps in high school he graduated and entered college.
College was a real challenge for Jo, since he wasn’t so serious with his studies, he was really having a hard time passing every subject and was scolded most of the time by his parents. He hated his father because he would hurt him sometimes. Jo never fought back against his father he believes that fighting back is against the law of God and he respects his father. Jo failed miserably in his second semester as a college student. He transferred to another University and started good, passing every subject and he even got good grades. But Jo got addicted to computer games and this was the start of his downfall, again. He even got to the point where he wasn’t even going to school and he spent most of his time playing and playing and playing until he ran out of money. The University where Jo was enrolled in sent a letter to his parents stating that he wasn’t going to school and Jo’s parents scolded him for doing so. Jo then decided that he drop-out of school and he did. His parents was furious at him that time and Jo’s the words that came from his parents mouth almost made him kill himself but luckily he didn’t. He stopped for eight months before returning to school again. He re-entered the same University and was ready to change. He started good passing all subjects and continued until he was almost finish with his new course. He graduated 2 years later and his mom and aunt’s we’re so proud of him. Jo is very sensitive and he cried a lot when his alone in his room. Jo then worked for 3 months and stopped to go back to school and learn. He entered another school and he finished his new course in a year and he was very proud of himself.
Jo was never congratulated by his father and he felt so bad about his. He never ask why his father hated his so much(actually he doesn’t really know if his father really hates him). But Jo didn’t care, he made his mom proud of him. His mom always protects him from trouble and always gives him advice as they say moms knows what best for their children(well that what the saying says its doesn’t really mean its true). That all I can say about Jo, he never quits and always believes there is always a way around our problems. He a very nice guy, shy and hates hurting the feelings of others. Well thats Jo, I hope you liked my story. n_n