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Monday, May 31, 2010

Sand King

Crixalis - Sand King

Primary: STR
Str: 18 + 2.3
Agi: 19 + 2.1
Int: 16 + 1.8

Sand king is a melee character in dota. He can stun multiple enemies in a straight line. He can also hurt heroes with sand storm and at the same time kill creeps to earn money. Caustic finale is one of his deadliest skill. Since its a passive skill it doesn't need mana and it can hit multiple targets in a certain area. Sand Kings combo the burrowed strike and epicenter is very deadly if you are caught in it but his move can easily be evaded with a stun move or sleep skill. Sand king is both a single player or multiplayer dota character. He can single handedly inflict a large amount of damage alone and if paired with AOE characters he is very deadly.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My feelings for you(Making poems aint so easy after all)

I dont speak so much you know that
If you compare me to an animal ill be your cat
I wont talk but through my actions
I’ll make you feel my emotions

I feel so good when we talk and chat
It always feel so good to see you laugh
Just the thought of you makes me smile
It’s a feeling like a warm sunshine

Sorry if I’m expressing myself with poems
It’s hard to make one that’s why I make them
At least you can see my effort it’s the best I can
To show my love for you I hope you understand

Oh well that’s all I have to say
Do you know making one of these poem is like an essay.
After a sentence you think of another line
The worst part of it you must make them rhyme


Warrior: Cabal

The warrior in cabal has the heaviest damage. They are equipped with armor sets which has the highest defense of all the armors. They wield great swords or daikatanas which has good damage. During PVP warriors are hard to beat because of the high defense and life plus they have high damage. In PVE they are tanks or they are the first in line to combat the enemies. In wars they have very useful buff that raise Damage and HP which are very vital in war events. Warrior skills are mob skill specially high lvl skills like cascade break, terra break(but slow in casting) etc. I recommend warrior characters to people who like massive destruction because they offer massive damage with every strike.

- Good Damage
- Good Defense and HP
- Must have during boss hunts
- De-buff skill lowers defense and raises the chance of doing critical damage

- Skills take too much time to cast
- Equipments cost is not cheap

Everyday Life

I spend almost everyday doing the same thing. Wake-up, eat breakfast, take a bath, eat lunch, go back home, eat diner, go online and sleep. Sometimes i just want to go on an adventure like go somewhere else. I want my freedom and so i can explore my world but my parents don't understand me. They keep me in this house and ask me to look for work. I never really enjoyed my summer. I played basketball every Wednesday improve a bit. But i still want to do something to complete my summer. This is to break out and be free just once. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fireproof marriage

Is a Christian movie about a hero fire fighter Caleb and about his marriage going broke. Caleb and his wife Catherine has problems with each other one being insensitive and the other being misunderstanding. The marriage of Caleb was supposed to end up in a annulment. But Caleb's dad dared Caleb with a 40 day Love dare. This love dare was about doing stuff to your partner that he/she will love. Caleb accepted the dare and followed what was written on the notebook. 20 days after Caleb followed the book Catherine didn't even budge due to false accusations done by her friends. Caleb called his father and told him it wasn't doing well, that Catherine didn't care what he did. His father went to Caleb the following day and talk to Caleb about the book and about its relation to Gods love. That God loves us even if we resent him and how we should accept Him in our lives. That in times of trouble we should ask God for help. Caleb then accepted God in his life and this change him for the better. Even if Catherine never notice what he was doing he still continued even if the 40 days has already past and on the 43th-45th day(I couldn't remember) Catherine got sick. Caleb notice this and took care of Catherine. He bought food and medicine to Catherine. Catherine then told Caleb that she knew about the love dare. Catherine didn't care about the dare but still Caleb continued. Catherine's parents were old and needed wheelchairs and crutches(not sure about this). Catherine was shocked to see her parents had already receive the things they needed and went to the shop to pay for them. But she found out that it was already paid by Caleb. Catherine cried and went to Caleb to reconcile with him. In the end they renew their vows and Caleb discovered that the 40 day love dare came from his mom, who he didn't give much attention for. Caleb embrace his mom and said sorry. I learned so many things from this movie it was so inspiring and really life changing. Here are quotes from the movie that could make you think about your faith and how it could help you. " Son, God loves you, even though you don't deserve it. Even though you've rejected Him. Spat in His face. God sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin, because He loves you. The cross was offensive to me, until I came to it. But when I did, Jesus Christ changed my life. That's when I truly began to love your mom. Son, I can't settle this for you. This is between you and the Lord. But I love you too much not to tell you the truth. Can't you see that you need Him? Can't you see that you need His forgiveness? ", "Will you trust Him with your life? "and "God changed your life. The Love Dare was just a tool He used. " Good day.

Real love and how it really works. From Teejay's point of view.

Love is a word that describes a persons attraction to a person , thing or even a place. To love a place is easy. Having a great experience in that place makes you love it or loving the services offered there is a good reason to love a place. Loving a thing is easy too. If that thing means something special in your life, if it reminds you of a good memory like pictures or if it is given by a special person in life makes you really love that thing. But loving a person is a different story. You just cant say you love that person because it reminds you of good memory and you cant say because it gave you service. You can say because the person is special in your life, if that person is someone who you really trust, if that person makes you happy, if that person makes you feel like everything is possible and if that person gives back the same love that you give. You can say that a person love you if these things are present. You can also add one important thing. If that person wants to live with you forever and wants to marry you and protect you. To the people who are inlove right now. Stay true to your partner. Love them unconditionally. Love them with no boundaries. Love them without expecting something in return.
FireproofFireproof [Blu-ray]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Long Distance Relationships

This is a very challenging type of relationship. Why do I say challenging? Because only 20% of this type of relationship work-out.  This relationship is so hard to maintain because of two reasons; mistrust and inability to wait. I know you are thinking about one more reason which is “inability to see each other”, but I don’t think it’s a good reason because we can always find ways to see our partner.  Now going to mistrust, mistrust is not healthy in a relationship. This may cause false suspicions that could lead to misunderstanding that is very much the cause of fights in many relationships. Inability to wait is a big reason why this kind of relationship is hard to maintain. Sometimes your partner may need time to prepare and make plans to move or have a vacation in your city or country. Your partner may even have financial problems that would lengthen the time you have to wait. Then how do we avoid mistrust and “inability to wait”? Mistrust is easy to avoid we just have to trust our partners if we really love them since trust is the base of all relationships. “Inability to wait” is very hard to avoid since your partner may want to meet you on a certain date and time. In this situation talk to your partner and ask him/her to wait just a little longer. Who knows the next day you can get the chance to meet each other.

Now that we know about these things I think the next question you have in mind is “then how do we maintain our relationships?”  Well to maintain a long distant relationship you must make use of technology since technology offers a lot of stuff to make this kind of relationship work.

                Ways on how to make good use of technology:
1)      Cellphone are good to use since you can take them almost everywhere and you can talk or text your love one anytime you want.
2)      Using the internet. The internet offers so many stuff to help you maintain a long distant relationship like:
a.       Chatting with your love one once in a while
b.      Posting pictures about what’s happening in your life in a social site to make let your partner see what you’ve been up too
c.       Meeting each other’s peers or maybe even relatives
d.      Having a live chat with webcams and even speakers to make you feel even closer to the person you love.

But we must not rely on technology so much. We can do much better stuff that what technology has to offer. It’s better to send letter, gifts and even personalize stuff to your partner. The greatest thing we could offer to our partner is visiting them personally and spending time with them. When we are already spending time with them we should always make this moment special. We should take pictures and do things together. Before your partner leaves never forget to give each other a kiss and a hug this may take as long as you want to since you rarely do these stuff to each other. 


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